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Valentine's couples Night (series 1)

MAKE YOUR RELATIONSHIP GREAT AGAIN! SATURDAY 11TH FEBRUARY 2017 6:00PM 23 - 26 MILLEWA CRESCENT, DALLAS, BROADMEADOWS, MELBOURNE VIC 3047 AUSTRALIA Host: MR & PASTOR MRS OTTAVI HEART TO HEART TALKS | RAFFLES | GAMES DANCE | INTERCONTINENTAL CUISINE JAZZ BEATS | ROCK & ROLL BEST COUPLE AWARD Book your space now $5 entry ticket per couple with a chance to win a prize drawn on the night Managed by Amazement Networks International Proudly Supported by MELBPEACE


UPCOMING EVENT!!! 1ST MELBOURNE DRAMA CRUSADE SATURDAY 18TH MARCH 2017 5:00PM - 7:30PM AT THE HUME COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 23 - 26 MILLEWA CRESCENT, DALLAS, BROADMEADOWS, VIC. 3047 AUSTRALIA Organiser/Coordinator AMB ADENIYI EKINE Drama Director, Amazement Network Drama Group Chief Host/Preacher REV JOHN IZVERNARIU Senior Pastor, Hume Community BAptist Church ENQUIRIES Tel: 0432595508 Email:

Melbourne Int. Easter Peace Concert

Melbourne Int. Easter Peace Concert

Melbourne International Easter Peace Concert (MELBPEACE Season 4) Easter Monday 17th April, 2017 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm ​ at the ​ FEDERATION SQUARE MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA ​ This is a Free Community Event

UPCOMING EVENT - 17/4/2017

Melbourne International Easter Peace Concert (Season 4) On Easter Monday 17th April 2017 EASTER MONDAY 17TH APRIL 2017 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm ​ at the ​ FEDERATION SQUARE MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA ​ This is a Free Community Event


Television Film and Multimedia Empowerment Workshop This Workshop will get participants fully involved in the learning of Radio, Television, Short Film productions, Cinematography and Editing with small and large group discussions, activities & exercises, opportunities to practice applying the concepts that are presented. TELFMEW will give participants the opportunity to learn how to record and edit their own movie documentary, music & television show. Set up your own studio! REGISTER FREE

2nd TELFMEW on Sunday 24th September 2017

TALENT HARNESSING! Television Film and Multimedia Empowerment Workshop (TELFMEW) is to develop talents in the Television Film and Multimedia industry with professionals TELFMEW Expertly develop participants in the learning of Radio, Television, Short Film, Cinematography and Editing Productions with small/large group discussions, activities and exercises opportunities to practice applying the concepts that are presented. SUNDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER 2017 1:00 PM - 6:00PM

Australia Refugees Got Talent

1ST PRIZE: $5.000 Cash + 20 Minutes Video and Audio Productions of the talent's Documentary to be broadcast on Channel 31 Melbourne - C31 and other reputable Australian Community/Refugee Radio and Television stations. + 3 day Holiday trip to any of the following places in Australia: CANBERRA, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, BRISBANE, ADELAIDE, PERTH, HOBART or DARWIN.

Melbourne Inter'l Easter Peace Conce

Melbourne International Easter Peace Concert (MELBPEACE) Season 1 Easter Friday 25th March 2016 at the Encore Event Centre, Werribee, Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne Inter'l Christmas Peace Co

Melbourne International Christmas Peace Concert (MELBPEACE Season 3) Friday 23rd December 2016 at the Kindred Studios, Melbourne, Australia


MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONCERT MELBPEACE SEASON 2 ​ Saturday 4th June, 2016 at the ​ Wyndham Cultural Centre, Werribee, Melbourne, Australia.



"Because Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace" The 1ST MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN MINISTERS & YOUTH PEACE CONFERENCE WILL FEATURE: Exhortation, Praise, Worship, Drama, Ministers session, Youth session, Singles session, Men and Women's Session, Asylum Seekers/Refugees session and lots more... SPECIAL MINISTRATIONS BY ANOINTED MEN & WOMEN OF GOD. COMMUNITIES EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE: Americans Iraqis Iranians Nigerians Romanians Indians Australians Canadians Kenyans Samoans Britons South


MELBPEACE YOUTH ARTS & CULTURE MEETUP: A Great opportunity for our community YOUTH to Act DRAMA (Screen & Theatre), SING, DANCE, MODEL, EDIT FILM, APPEAR ON TELEVISION PROGRAM, FEATURE IN A DOCUMENTARY, CURRENT AFFAIRS, PHOTOSHOOT ETC. EVERY SATURDAY AT 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ADDRESS: 23-26 Millewa Crescent, Dallas, Broadmeadows, Melbourne Victoria State (VIC 3047) Australia. PHONE: +61 432595508 WEBSITE:

CHRISTMAS CAROLS PEACE CONCERT – MELBPEACE SEASON 5  DATE: Friday 22nd December, 2017 TIME: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm VENUE: Werribee Baptist Church Melbourne, Victoria State, Australia. INQUIRIES: Amb Adeniyi Ekine​ Opportunity to listen and watch live festive carols and songs in werribee, Victoria State, Australia in the countdown to Christmas by different, Australian, International, best, local, upcoming & most seasoned gospel artists, performers and ministers of Christian religion.

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